Bitlocker "The system can not find the file specified."

I just finished cloning my Lenovo T430 Laptop HDD to a new SSD.  I'm using Win 8.1.  Everything's working after swapping the drives, except when I try to turn on Bitlocker, it begins to initialize/gather parameters and then stops & says "The system can not find the file specified."  I suspect that when I cloned drives, I may have missed something in a system partition related to Bitlocker.  (I was using Bitlocker successfully, prior to cloning drives, but I decrypted the HDD prior to the cloning, and intended to encrypt the new SSD after successfully swapping.) Any ideas on how to get Bitlocker working again?

More details: For the HDD clone, I used Paragon Migrate OS to SSD 4.0 (I've since realized they do not have good support options!).  That program does not perform an exact clone of all of the source HDD partitions (boo!), but clones only the OS partition and appears to create a new UEFI boot partition to become bootable.  After swapping to the new SSD, I had to rebuild/edit the boot.sys using the bcdboot command in order to get my new SSD to boot normally. Success with that!  But I think there was a recovery or system partition related to Bitlocker which did not copy over.  Before all of this, I *did* create a system image on a different external hard drive, and I also created a "recovery drive" on a USB flash drive which I believed was effectively backing up the recovery partition (since I knew Paragon's software would not include it).  Maybe those extra details will help us figure this out.

Thanks for any help you can provide!!

March 29th, 2015 5:48pm


I know that error and the solution, but I can't find my notes on it. You will have to delete a certain file. Will see if I can't find it. I saw the probem discussed and solved here on technet not long ago.

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March 30th, 2015 4:19am

Found it:
March 30th, 2015 4:25am

Found it:
March 30th, 2015 8:24am

Hi missionmatt,

Since suggestion has been replied by Rolnad, we wonder if there is any luck your issue has been resolved. The System Reserved Partition holds the Boot Configuration Database, Boot Manager Code, Windows Recovery Environment and reserves space for the startup files which may be required by BitLocker, in case you use the BitLocker Drive Encryption feature.

The System Reserved partition is essential if you want to use BitLocker drive encryption, which cant function otherwise.

Since third party clone software frequently cause system corruption and its not fixable, we only recommend that performing a clean install on new hard disk.


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April 1st, 2015 9:24pm

Hi Ronald! Thanks so much!  I'll copy here the portion of that thread that resolved my issue:

"Thinking the problem was related to the REAgent.xml file (in C:\Windows\System32\Recovery) I renamed the file to REAgent.old and was able to start the encryption process."

Bitlocker has now successfully encrypted my new SSD.

  • Marked as answer by missionmatt 20 hours 35 minutes ago
April 7th, 2015 6:48am

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